HYDE releases fiery new single “TAKING THEM DOWN”


HYDE Taking Them Down

With edgy lyrics and a dark undertone, HYDE’s newest single “TAKING THEM DOWN” is a song worthy of putting on repeat. Vigorous drumming and heavy guitar riffs merge with HYDE’s rich vocals to give this song a high-powered energy.

Released on June 16, “TAKING THEM DOWN” invokes images of a vicious struggle, and despite all odds, rising up through the difficulties through sheer strength of will.

Full audio track:

“TAKING THEM DOWN” is also featured on Fist of the Northstar pachinko machines, so if you’re in Japan, keep your ears open!

Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/taking-them-down-single/1690707105

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/4SRTjaKlxpG3Y1UKnQaVrU

HYDE Official Website: https://www.hyde.com
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