BACK-ON to stream no-audience concert worldwide
Japanese rock band BACK-ON – known to international fans for creating themes for the anime series Gundam Build Fighters, Eyeshield 21, and FairyContinue reading…
Japanese rock band BACK-ON – known to international fans for creating themes for the anime series Gundam Build Fighters, Eyeshield 21, and FairyContinue reading…
Japanese rock band BACK-ON performed a special on-stage collaboration of the Fairy Tail anime theme song “STRIKE BACK” with idol group OSAKAContinue reading…
BACK-ON brings some of the whimsical fonts and stamps from purikura to their video for “Departure”. reading…
FAKY vocalist Lil’ Fang joins rock band BACK-ON to perform the second opening theme for TV Tokyo’s anime Gundam Build Fighters. The music videoContinue reading…
RETRO REVIEW BACK-ON New World Review by Jen Wang BACK-ON’s mini-album New World was released in 2006, a few years after rap-rock reacheContinue reading…