On December 13, Kamen Joshi revealed their limited-time unit “”Mugen Joshi” (Infinity Girls), created for their collaboration with Japanese PC manufacturer Iiyama.
The four members performed a new tie-in song “Shining Road ~ tanoshii koto o zenryoku de!~” and modeled special costumes and custom masks connected to the new “infinity” line of PCs, optimized for different lifestyles.
The Infinity Girls unit is featured in store display campaigns at PC stores in Akihabara, and customers who purchase the new computers can receive a limited-edition clear file and download code for the new song.
Misa Kubota: “STYLE ∞” image character
Erina Kamiya: “LEVEL ∞” image character
Sara Kurose: “SENSE ∞” image character
Mai Mizusawa: “SOLUTION ∞” image character
Kamen Joshi HP (English): http://www.alice-project.biz/kamenjoshi/en
Kamen Joshi Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kamenjoshi
Kamen Joshi Twitter: https://twitter.com/J_Kawaii_Girls
Kamen Joshi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kamenjoshi